Demonstration of Aryan Wives against Deportation of their Jewish Husbands. The demonstration of the Aryan Wives against the Deportation of their Jewish Husbands. Source: Yad Vashem Archive 01/123 and Diaries of Joseph Goebbels, 6 March 1943. 1. The Testimony of Ernst Gross Source : Yad Vashem Archive 01/123 On February 28, an extensive action was carried out. As was their custom, they seized the men at night straight from work. This time they did not exclude even those of mixed marriages, they took everybody and brought us all to the concentration point at Grosse Hamburger Street. There we, all of mixed marriages, were taken to a separate room on the upper floor, about 100 people in all, and from there to the concentration point at the Rosenstrasse, where we were kept for a whole week, without anybody knowing what was to happen to us. Apparently they intended to deport us as well, but this time the women rebelled. It was the only time anything like that had ever happened. For days on end the Aryan women stirred up rows in front of the building at the Rosenstrasse and finally they achieved their goal and we were discharged. The event was mentioned in the newspaper. 2. From the Diaries of Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda Source: Diaries of Joseph Goebbels, 6 March 1943 The SD considers it advisable to continue with the evacuation of Jews right now. To our regret some unpleasant events have occurred in front of a Jewish home for the aged, where the population assembled in great masses and some of them even protested in favour of the Jews. I instructed the SD to discontinue the evacuation at the present time of crisis. We had better postpone it for some weeks and then we shall be able to carry out the action much more thoroughly…